August 9, 2022 02:00pm
Our pupils have been participating in a variety of Christmas activities, including our Christmas Fayre, magical Santa’s breakfast and wonderful Nativity plays.
Despite restrictions and the weather disrupting our Christmas Fayre plans, we were grateful to hold a limited Fayre which was enjoyed by all who attended. The lovely cake stall and chocolate tombola were the most popular, and it was great to see our children and their families enjoying their delicious Christmas treats.
Our children have also been using their green hats this term, thinking creatively to design and make a multitude of beautiful Christmas artwork. As part of their RE work, Year 4 learnt all about the significance of the Christingle and even created their own, which they enjoyed both making and eating! Our Early Years children got creative in decorating their Christmas tree, working together to decide where each decoration should be placed. Children in our Treetops class have also enjoyed their green hat thinking, writing their own Kenning poems about Father Christmas, and drawing and labelling the man himself. Another impressive demonstration of our pupils’ creativity was seen in our Paper Plate competition, which raised money for the PTFA. Well done to our winning entrants, whose brilliant work you can see here.
We have also had a special guest at All Faiths this term…Father Christmas himself virtually attended our Santa’s breakfast! The children were enchanted by his message, and loved the elves that he sent to our school to deliver presents. It was a truly magical event for the children and made them even more excited about Christmas!
Well done to our EYFS and KS1 pupils for their excellent Nativity performance, and to our KS2 children for their Christmas Carols performances. Seeing the children perform with such confidence and enjoyment has been lovely.